All words as concessions, only as pointers for one’s own exploration:
I assumed a lot during my first 50 years; thinking was basically all I knew.
I lived as a conceptual “me” overlooking the peace and guidance “I am”.
Then “resting in being” came into the picture; the canvas of all experience.
Thinking = a tool, not a place to live in.
Perceiving = the act of rendering external/tangible objects, through the senses.
Feeling = the act of rendering internal/intangible objects.
Thinking, feeling, perceiving pertain to body-mind-world
(in Bible lingo ‘this world’, versus ‘my kingdom’).
This “my kingdom” is not a place in space, nor an event in time; it is always here and now, as our natural state, always at hand, but of no use to the “natural man”, because mind can only process contrast, is fixated on objects.
Not a thinker’s question:
Who/what is thinking, feeling, perceiving?
Not theoretically, but as experience right here and now.
Resistance might arise: none-sense.